Tuesday, 1 April 2008

Today's an interesting day ain't it?? I think it is. Supposedly everyone should tell lies today, right? I haven't heard a single one... -.- That's quite boring. I remember being little and believing everything my mother would tell. That made me cry a few times. haha
It tells the story that many many years ago New Year's Eve was on the 25th of March and the celebrations would last 8 days, until the 1st of April. On that day, people would trick their neighbours, family and friends. It's kind of funny looking back at the past and knowing the reasons why we do some things, why we have some habits. It's all because of our ancestors.
Still, I wonder why we give chocolate eggs on Easter... I must do some research. ^^

Anyway, I hope you've had a good day. (n.n)v

Here's some "art" I did with a friend of mine, Abelha ^^ I know the quality is not that good. Gomenne u.u

I'm dying to live the last day at school... lol

My birthday's on the 6th of April! I'm getting older... That's quite bad. Well, but I'll still have dinner out on Saturday, at Gosho. It had to be on Saturday, a day before, because the restaurant is closed on Sunday. u.u I guess I'll have fun anyway, right? Yeah, right! (
Certo? Certíssimo!).

Listening: Star Industry - The Spirits Within

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

OMG the drawing is embaressing and perv o_o
hahaha I don't like April fools day, well in spite of being tradition, really stupid things are told that day. I really don't appreciate that. But oh well those kind of things are not up to me haha xD
I miss you!
And I really enjoy your blog.
Kissu chu! ;x