Thursday, 6 March 2008

I'm at school now. This is so boring. Today I only have classes in the morning but... IT'S ALL MATHS!!! 3 hours studying Maths! this is suicide! My head hurts and I'm tired. I just want to go home and rest. Well... actually... that is not going to happen since I have to study philosophy... gesh... I also hate that subject haha

Anyway, if anyone is reading this, feel free to comment or just ignore what Iyou're just read... This is just a girl who has nothing better to do...
Have you ever wacthed the anime Honey and Clover? If you haven't, you should it is so realistic! I truly recommend it! ^^

Listening: Spitz - Hachimitsu

P.S.: (L) Ichigo & Cherry (L)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Temos de fazer um protesto contra as aulas de matematica tal como os profs. =P

e filosofia tambem que ainda é pior!

I love you too, my friend...

