Monday, 31 March 2008

Today I decided to post some videos of one of my favourite Portuguese artists ^^
If you don't speak Portuguese, then you won't understand a single word of what he's saying but, if you still want to watch the videos, go ahead!! n.n He's pretty cool =^.^=

Eu sou de Arcozelo, só por acaso... (>.<)

Sunday, 23 March 2008

I like Asia a lot, mainly Japan but I like all the other countries too. I find Asian people really cute and adorable. But, honestly, Chinese are not that adorable these days. Have you heard about what happened in Tibet? Of course you have. This is unacceptable! Don't you think Tibet should be free? No country should be controlled by other governments which are not theirs. China should consider Tibet independent. They do not belong to them! And they want the new Lama to be Chinese!! That's just awful! I wish I could do something to stop the Chinese in some way. And thank God someone from the Ocident has taken action. I really was happy when I heard that the president of the European parliament said that steps would be taken for an European boycott to the games if the Chinese government refused to discuss the subject with Dalai Lama.
And to think that China is accusing Dalai Lama to be the responsible for the violence that everyone hears about and also to try to "damage" the Olympic games. That's nonsence!! I hope that, now that everyone has their eyes on Tibet's situation, independence will be given to Tibetans.

the panchen lama's chair remains empty awaiting for his return

your holliness dalai lama

peace. that's what we all wish for

one image is worth a thousand words



Photobucket Dalai Lama

Panchen Lama

I hope that the owners of the photos do not mind that I'm using them.

Saturday, 8 March 2008

I've got them! I've got them! I've finally got them!!
Today, I bought my tickets for the Backstreet Boys' concert in Lisbon!! n.n I'm so happy!! I'm going to see BSB live and you're not!! ahahah
God, I used to sing and dance at the rythm of their songs when I was a kid! I can't wait for the 25th of april. Oh my God! v^.^v
It's such a pity that Kevin has left the band... u.u He was actually my fave member... Anyway, they're still great!! ^^

Listening: An Café - Ryusei Rocket

P.S.: (L) Ichigo & Cherry (L)

Friday, 7 March 2008

I've just did the philosophy test. It didn't go so well... That's quite a problem ain't it? haha
School life is getting boring. My school mates spend all their time playing worms. It's not like I don't like it. I do, but it really is starting to get boring. We have nothing to do anyway, besides going to the beach...
They're building a shopping centre in front of the school. That's quite odd actually, but in some way, that's wonderful! I mean, we will finally have something to do! And better food to eat haha

I guess that after a philosophy test I want to write about other kind of stuff. There's this thing that worries me a lot. Have you heard about the percentage of people who commit suicide in Japan? It's awful! Suicide is said to be the biggest export from Japan. It started with hara-kiri (the name used when samurais commited suicide in order not to be killed by their enemies) and shinjyuu. It is quite strange as suicide seems to be a sort of way of "saving" the family. It seems to be quite honorable commiting suicide. I believe so and I wouldn't really mind if people killed themselves because they find it the best way of running away from their troubles. No problem at all. What worries me the most is the large number of people doing that! Can you imagine if suddenly Japanese disappeared? Just imagine that they all suicide. They would vanish! That would be awful! Okay. I know it is stupid. I just didn't want the text to be so serious... haha... not funny...
Then came the kamikaze... Honestly, I wouldn't have the guts to put myself into a plane and then just let it fall on ground. But in some way, I admire these people. They suicided themselves because some way, they thought they were helping right? And they wanted glory for their country and all that stuff. I guess that everyone who is in war is actually commiting suicide indirectly. Sooner or later they will be shot to death or a bomb will explode near them. That's all suicide, but above all, guts! Yeah. all hail to the modern and ancient soldiers!! Yeah!
I guess that Moslems, I mean the bomber ones, they might have been inspired by Kamikaze. no? Maybe...
Do you know that there are Japanese websites which support suicide? They encourage people to commit suicide and also group suicide. The Japanese government is trying to eliminate these websites. I think that's a good idea. A really good idea. Akihabara@Deep, a J-drama, has an episode about this. When a group of people try to convince, and almost force them!, to commit suicide. Well, I hope Japanese will low suicide levels, I really do.
Most of people who actually suicide themselves are teenagers (too bad. something should really be done) and middle age men who have lost their jobs or whose business has failed. The government has also said that people would have more psychological support in the future. They want to low the suicide rates in 20% until 2016.

Most of the information was taken from:
(It is in Portuguese)

Listening: Malice Mizer - Brise

Thursday, 6 March 2008

I'm at school now. This is so boring. Today I only have classes in the morning but... IT'S ALL MATHS!!! 3 hours studying Maths! this is suicide! My head hurts and I'm tired. I just want to go home and rest. Well... actually... that is not going to happen since I have to study philosophy... gesh... I also hate that subject haha

Anyway, if anyone is reading this, feel free to comment or just ignore what Iyou're just read... This is just a girl who has nothing better to do...
Have you ever wacthed the anime Honey and Clover? If you haven't, you should it is so realistic! I truly recommend it! ^^

Listening: Spitz - Hachimitsu

P.S.: (L) Ichigo & Cherry (L)

Wednesday, 5 March 2008

This is my first post in here. I have been quite busy with lots of tests, so I don't actually have much time... Still, I should be studying Philosophy. I have a test on Friday. But, honestly, I just can't study anymore. I'm feeling way too frustrated... u.u I'm feeling down since last night. I'll just say that I'm feeling disappointed about men... ^.^" sounds fair enough for me...


Today, as I was feeling depressed (I still do...) I went to the beach with some of my friends. We had no classes at the time and our school is near the beach, so it just takes us 2 minutes to go there and relax for some moments. As spring is coming there are lots of kuroobaas (clovers) growing on the ground and I must say that looking for 4 leaf clovers is one of my fave hobbies. ^^ At least while I'm doing that I don't think about anything else. It's like shopping ain't it? haha I do enjoy doing both things when I'm feeling blue. So, there I was on my way to the beach when I told one of my mates "It would be so great if I could find a 4 leaf clov..." I didn't even have time to finish as I could not believe what my eyes were looking at. It was so easy! I really needed something to cheer me up today and believe that maybe life is not that useless. A four leaf clover! I do hope it brings lots of luck, I need it! ^^V The most interesting thing was when I shouted "I found a four leaf clover!" we all (my friends and I) started looking for more clovers and we couldn't find any! Life does trick us sometimes. Should I be thankful? haha
I found lots of interesting stones when I was at the beach. I also like that a lot. Looking for beautiful stones.
It is amazing the way we feel when we're near the sea. I always feel so calm and still so insignificant. What am I near the vast sea? I'm nothing! That's what makes me forget about the world, about all the bad things I have on my mind. I recommend a walk on the beach if you're feeling down. It really helps. The smell, the air on our faces, the salty wind, the sand... That's all wonderful. n.n
I believe that the only reason why I am writing this is because I know no one will actually read it haha Still, if someone out there reads this I hope you'll leave a comment. Even if it is just a silly one. =^.^=

Well, see ya then!

P.S.: (L) Ichigo & Cherry (L)

Listening: Suneohair - Waltz